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022-22: AccrSafeSolu01
Contains All Purchasing Bidding Documents.

affirmation disclosure.pdf
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Articulating Syllabus Schedule.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
DDO Syllabus Schedule.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Front Page.pdf
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Mobile Syllabus Schedule.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Mulitple Crane Types.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
NCCCO Certified Instructors.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
OH DOT Invitation to bid (2).jpeg
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Ohio Cover Letter.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Ohio Dot Bid  Corrected Pricing (1).xlsx
1/3/2022 2:24 PMDaniel Stacy
R clouse Inspector Certification NCCCO.jpeg
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
R Clouse NCCCO Examiner Status.jpeg
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
R Clouse Operator Certifications CCO.jpeg
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
R clouse RIgger and Signal certification.jpg
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
RClouse Resume.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Service Truck Syllabus Schedule.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Signal and Rigger Syllabus Schedule.docx
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
signature page.pdf
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy
Ver Wright NCCCO Card.jpeg
12/16/2021 8:12 AMDaniel Stacy